Star Trek Androidruk Freecomputerdesktopwallpaper

“Star Trek Android Ruk” free Star Trek computer desktop wallpaper

Star Trek Android Ruk. Free Star Trek computer desktop wallpaper, images, pictures download

Star Trek Android Ruk.

Free Star Trek computer desktop wallpaper, images, pictures download.

Great free Star Trek computer desktop wallpaper by

Free Star Trek wallpaper – Enjoy!

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Android Ruk among All the Other Species

If you think there are already too many living species in Star Trek that the humans have encountered, you might try reconsidering the non-living like the android Ruk which was discovered by Dr. Roger Korby. According to the records of Dr. Korby, Ruk was discovered while still tending to the old machinery left behind by the Old Ones who also created it.

It was anroid Ruk that taught the doctor how to use the ancient machines as well as the mechanism that creates androids. Thus, Dr. Korby was able to create other androids. Ruk was used in Korby’s plan to infiltrate the human society by slowly placing androids around. The android saw this plan later as somewhat like the ways of the Old Ones, meaning the same reason why the androids killed their makers before. When Korby saw that Ruk was beginning to get out of control, he shut him off as well.

Ted Cassidy played the role of the android lending the character a strong physical feature. The android is portrayed to look human with a muscular body, graceful moves, and a dangerous opponent in physical combat. Ruk can change the timbre or quality of the voice it is using in order to mimic a person or to create a new voice. It looks like a human and experiences forgetting unlike other computers but does not have all human qualities especially when it comes to making a good conversation.

If you followed all the Star Trek Episodes and have seen Ruk, do not forget to check out and download free Star Trek Android Ruk wallpaper.

To save this file to your desktop: right-click on the actual wallpaper image and choose “Save Picture As…” or “Set as Background”.
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