Star Trek Uss Venture Ncc71854 Freecomputerdesktopwallpaper

“Star Trek USS Venture NCC71854” free Star Trek computer desktop wallpaper

Star Trek USS Venture NCC71854. Free Star Trek computer desktop wallpaper, images, pictures download

Star Trek USS Venture NCC71854.

Free Star Trek computer desktop wallpaper, images, pictures download.

Great free Star Trek computer desktop wallpaper by

Free Star Trek wallpaper – Enjoy!

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The Voyage of the Star Trek USS Venture NCC71854

In the late 24th century, the USS Venture, also called the NCC71854, began its service with the Starfleet. It was a Federation Galaxy-class starship whose captain was a friend of Benjamin Sisko. Under a task force commanded by Admiral Hastur, the USS Venture took the lead in reinforcing Deep Space 9. Deep Space 9 was then being menaced by the possibility of a Klingon attack. The USS Venture and Deep Space 9 would meet again in 2373.

In the year 2374, the USS Venture took part in Operation Return, which was meant to secure the flank of the USS Defiant. After the Dominion retreat, the USS Venture was one of the first ships to arrive at the scene of Deep Space 9.

Once again, the USS Venture would take part in fighting after it became a member of the Federation Alliance fleet that invaded the Chin’toka system.

Due to a malfunctioning baffle plate, the USS Venture docked at Luxor IV in 2368. In 2373, the USS Venture was commanded by Captain Benjamin Dawson. It was part of the scientific expedition to the Holaren Nebula. During the same year, the USS Venture voyaged to the planet Xhaldia to tow the Draa’kon vessel Connharakt to Starbase Deep Space 7.

Relive the USS Venture’s voyages by downloading a free Star Trek USS Venture NCC71854 desktop wallpaper to your computer. This way, you can look at it and remember all the places that it’s been to.

To save this file to your desktop: right-click on the actual wallpaper image and choose “Save Picture As…” or “Set as Background”.
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