“Star Trek Vulcan Shuttle Surak” free Star Trek computer desktop wallpaper |
Star Trek Vulcan Shuttle Surak. Great free Star Trek computer desktop wallpaper by www.startrekdesktopwallpaper.com. Free Star Trek wallpaper – Enjoy! To download, choose the screen size you wish: Click on the preview image if you wish to download desktop wallpaper with the biggest screen resolution available. For other screen resolutions, click on the links above |
What Surak Shuttle can do?
The Starfleet discovered other species and other worlds with the USS Enterprise and the Klingons used Negh’Var class starship. These warships have shuttles and pods just as the Borg Cube has a Borg Sphere which are used for smaller missions and travel. The Vulcans had a shuttle they call Surak. The long range shuttle was used during the late 23rd century and was registered to the Federation as Surak VS 5074 61192259584-5. The ship was seen in Star Trek: The Motion Picture where it transported Commander Spock from Vulcan to the USS Enterprise for a rendezvous in 2273.
The name of the shuttle was derived from a Vulcan philosopher and is a long range shuttle class that served the United Federation of Planets. It is mainly used for transportation. The shuttle has its own separating passenger compartment which showed a perfectly graceful flip in order to dock to the USS Enterprise. When seen sideways it almost looks like a modern military tanker with two guns in the front and without wheels under. In between the seemingly long bridges is a hollow gap. Although it had only been on screen for a matter of 45 seconds, Star Trek had a big budget at the time and was able to create and construct detailed models of every ship and shuttle that were used on the different franchises.
If you haven’t had a closer look at this shuttle, go checkout the Star Trek Vulcan Shuttle Surak free wallpaper for computer screens, you might want to download it too.
To save this file to your desktop: right-click on the actual wallpaper image and choose “Save Picture As…” or “Set as Background”.
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