Star Trek Balok Freecomputerdesktopwallpaper

“Star Trek Balok” free Star Trek computer desktop wallpaper

Star Trek Balok. Free Star Trek computer desktop wallpaper, images, pictures download

Star Trek Balok.

Free Star Trek computer desktop wallpaper, images, pictures download.

Great free Star Trek computer desktop wallpaper by

Free Star Trek wallpaper – Enjoy!

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Balok – A Diminutive Alien

Balok is another Star Trek character that should not be missed. The young Balok had very childlike features contradicting his image as an adult alien. The adult Balok is described as an alien with bluish cat eyes. Balok was the representative of the First Federation. The USS Enterprise crew had its encounter with the First Federation in 2266.

The Enterprise crew described this encounter as rather unusual. The Enterprise crew destroyed a warning buoy that was set to in the first place to scare them away. Balok utilized the Fesarius space vessel to intercept. Upon their encounter with the Fesarius space vessel, Balok threatened them and demanded they were to be destroyed along with their vessel. Captain Kirk sought for a solution and bluffed Balok with a carbomite. This scheme worked and Balok decided not to abruptly destroy the crew and its vessel. He suggested that they be imprisoned to a planet of the First Federation. Captain Kirk gambled and decided to veer their vessel away from Balok’s spacecraft, which is much smaller. The process resulted to damage in Balok’s vessel. Instead of attacking Balok, he offered him aid.

To captain Kirk’s surprise, the Balok that they have encountered was just a puppet. The entire scenario was just a test of ethics and character. Intitially, the purpose of the Balok puppet was to frighten the entire Enterprise crew.

Download this free Star Trek Balok wallpaper on your computer desktop and get to know this diminutive alien.

To save this file to your desktop: right-click on the actual wallpaper image and choose “Save Picture As…” or “Set as Background”.
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