Star Trek Borg Sphere Freecomputerdesktopwallpaper

“Star Trek Borg Sphere” free Star Trek computer desktop wallpaper

Star Trek Borg Sphere. Free Star Trek computer desktop wallpaper, images, pictures download

Star Trek Borg Sphere.

Free Star Trek computer desktop wallpaper, images, pictures download.

Great free Star Trek computer desktop wallpaper by

Free Star Trek wallpaper – Enjoy!

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Ahoy Borg Sphere!

The Borg sphere is one of the fictional starship that floats in the Star Trek universe. They are huge interstellar craft utilized by the Borg race to annihilate their adversaries. The Borg sphere is also capable of time travel. In one occasion, a Borg sphere travels back to time in an attempt to disrupt humans’ first contact. After the mission, the Borg Sphere was destroyed. Remaining parts of the long-range tactical vessel was found in the Arctic Circle.

The Borg is a pseudo race of cyborgs. The Borg race voluntarily submits to cybernetic enhancement to achieve superior abilities and strength. This race is a major threat to the Star Trek universe. The only goal of the Borg race is their pursuit for perfection. They accomplish this by forcefully transforming individuals to Borgs by implanting synthetic components. The Borgs are the primary villains in the fictional Star Trek universe. They are known for their frightening appearance, extraordinary power and sinister motives to assimilate individuals into becoming one of them.

One of the Borg’s eyes, particularly the left, is implanted with a sophisticated laser beam that allows them to see beyond a human’s spectrum.

“Resistance is futile” is a popular phrase that the Borgs utter to their target individuals, emphasizing that any move to counteract the assimilation is useless. That what makes them one of the biggest antagonists in the Star Trek universe.

Download this free star trek Borg Sphere wallpaper and watch as the Borgs dominate humanity.

To save this file to your desktop: right-click on the actual wallpaper image and choose “Save Picture As…” or “Set as Background”.
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