Star Trek Doctorbeverly Troi Yar Freecomputerdesktopwallpaper

“Star Trek Doctor Beverly Crusher, Deanna Troi and Natasha Yar” free Star Trek computer desktop wallpaper

Star Trek Doctor Beverly Crusher, Deanna Troi and Natasha Yar. Free Star Trek computer desktop wallpaper, images, pictures download

Star Trek Doctor Beverly Crusher, Deanna Troi and Natasha Yar.

Free Star Trek computer desktop wallpaper, images, pictures download.

Great free Star Trek computer desktop wallpaper by unknown.

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Free Star Trek wallpaper – Enjoy!

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Beautiful Creatures in Star Trek

There are many species from different worlds in the hit Star Trek; from its movie franchises to the TV series, there are many interesting characters. This includes the list of beautiful creatures called women – their roles, their relationships, and their personalities. Who would not like Beverly Crusher, Deanna Troi, and Natasha Yar?

Beverly Cheryl Crusher served as the chief medical officer of USS Enterprise D and E. She was a medical doctor on Earth and was the wife of Jack Crusher who died serving the Federation. She was born in October 13 year 2324 to Paul and Isabel Howard. She and Jack had a son named Wesley, who also became a prominent figure in Star Trek. The bright eyes, pointed nose, and sexy lips of Gates McFadden made Beverly’s character look like one strong woman.

One of Beverly Crusher’s friends is Deanna Troi who is only half human and was the counselor of both Enterprise D and E until 2379 when she joined the USS Titan. She became the wife of William T. Riker and they had a son named Ian Andrew Troi II. As a hybrid, Deanna can read both human and Betazoid brains using extra-sensory empathy up to a certain limit that allows her to be a great counselor. Marina Sirtis gave Deanna Troi her dark curly hair and thick lashes.

The Enterprise Ds most beautiful security chief was Natasha or Tasha Yar. Although she was killed in a mission, she was remembered for her blonde pixie do and her fierce blue eyes. She played a major role in the Romulans in an alternate world and also had a child named Sela. Denise Crosby played the role of Tasha.

Download free Star Trek Doctor Beverly crusher, Deanna Troi and Natasha Yar wallpaper and have these beauties grace your computer screen.

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